Abdurrahman Fawwaz - 2291345003 - GJ22A Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.. Let me Introduction my self, my name is Abdurrahman Fawwaz. I was born in Cirebon, June 13 2004. I come from SMK PB SOEDIRMAN 1 CIJANTUNG and now i am studying at Polimedia Gametech. I live on Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. My hobbies are playing games, drawing, traveling. I live at home with my parents and i have one young brother and sister. My reason why i choose gametech, because my hobbies playing games and i want to learn the mechanic of that game and i want to be game artist. My expectation after graduating from polimedia is i join International Game Company and make my parents proud. Thank you, Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb